1·Most portal projects that I have seen rely solely on use case analysis for requirements gathering tend to have many problems.
2·Regardless of whether the ratings agencies truly failed in their roles of providing accurate credit ratings on a timely basis, most investors would be wise not to rely solely on their opinions.
3·As we have seen earlier, once we are able to separate normal operations from changes, the architecture can rely solely on events and lifecycles for design and implementation.
4·An effective manager will not rely solely on his understanding and assumption of what it's like to work for him.
5·Some definitions rely solely on the number of people living with a disease, and other definitions include other factors, such as the existence of adequate treatments or the severity of the disease.
6·If you want to be a bad product manager, rely solely on quantitative research.
7·Pittsburgh does not rely solely on UPMC or the health industry the way it once leant on steel.
8·A thorough evaluation of application software quality cannot rely solely on human-dependent processes such as peer reviews and test case design.
9·In 2006, Congress directed the Department of Homeland Security to explore new missile-countermeasure technologies that do not rely solely on infrared technology onboard aircraft.
10·Many social news sites rely solely upon their users to tag content to varying degrees of success. This approach places this feature at the mercy of user engagement.